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Leadershits book cover - with available to buy sign


Picture of the Game Player leader hiding behind building looking machiavellian and mischievous

Game Player

Image depicts a bully boss in a fit of rage, showing what it is like working for a bully boss

Bully Boss

Image shows illustration of an arrogant boss only caring about their own needs and not their team's needs.

Arrogant Boss

Leader Lesson Quote
It may seem tough and endless working for a leadershit...but...

Never waste a good opportunity to learn from a SHIT boss

Image shows illustration of an inconsistent boss confused and not knowing what decision to make.

Inconsistent Manager

Image shows illustration of an emotional boss displaying volatile and unstable behaviour.

Emotional Boss


We had a boss that quickly became known as 'the seagull'; it was linked to his ability to just shit on people from above

It can be hard to keep focus when you are working with a leadershit, in my experience, you often learn the lessons after you are removed from the context. It is often at this stage you can take stock and think..hmmm, perhaps I won't do the same when I'm leading.

Work is hard enough without the 'noise' of a leadershit making it harder. Hopefully this book will open a few eyes are ears as tot the impact people can have on others - one can only hope 🙂

Just started reading chapter's brilliant!