Arrogant boss overview…

The arrogant boss has and shows a vastly exaggerated opinion of themselves, their abilities and merits, frequently without any current or recent success stories – they will often regale you of past glories…regardless of your appetite to hear ‘that story’ again.

They indulge their own desires and will happily trample on you or anyone to get what they want or where they want to be. You are likely to notice that they seldom listen to others’ opinions, why would they consult or involve anyone else when they obviously have all the answers?

The arrogant boss is a narcissist through and through, if you have experienced this ‘leader’ then no doubt they will have found a way of means of highlighting that ‘they are the boss and this is how it is done’. To put it bluntly, they are often rude, conceited and aloof.

Signs to look for in an arrogant boss…
  • “Me, me, and a bit more me”; their behaviours, actions and decisions will be geared towards themselves as opposed to their team
  • Lacks any form of empathy, struggles to connect to others’ views and emotions, creating relationships that lack substance
  • Won’t allow people to forget their mistakes, no matter how minor
  • Every interaction is made to feel like a competition, they tend to adopt a position of one-upmanship, regardless of the context or nature of the conversation taking place…they have to ‘win’!
  • Will constantly look for validation from those around them, even manipulating others’ shortcomings to further enhance their social position
  • Will not accept feedback readily. Wholeheartedly believes their way is the only way, regardless of fact or reasoning.
Arrogant boss survival tips…
  • Gain clarity on your own objectives. Focus on what you are accountable for
  • Seek support from elsewhere if this can’t be gained from your line manager. Is there a mentor you could approach?
  • Be prepared to fight your position calmly and with facts and figures
  • They may not wish to hear it or respond well to what you say, but it is worth providing honest and constructive feedback to self-indulgent/arrogant people on a regular basis…the penny may eventually drop for them
  • Avoid massaging their egos. If they make attempts to bring the conversation on to them, limit any responses that may encourage them; be brave and steer them back to the issue at hand
  • Confidence and arrogance are two different approaches. One is quiet, motivating and unassuming; the other is brash, crass and self-serving…be sure you are dealing with arrogance
  • Healthy relationships are the lifeblood of an organisation. If you can’t find that with your boss, find it with your peers and/or other colleagues. You will likely see that you all have a common shared challenge you can help each other through.

You may recognise this scenario with an arrogant boss…

Grab your copy today...

  • Leadershits Book – Lessons From Bad Leadership Experiences.
